Thursday, March 5, 2015

Preparing: The Composition

When beginning to script and plan out our opening, one of the most, if not the most, important aspect is that of scene composition, how everything will look in the scene. The planning for each scene is meticulous and our goal is to make sure every shot has meaning, whether it be subtle or something that grabs at the viewer and makes them pay attention. The article I found brings up tips on how to make a shot with the best possible composition:


An important visual guideline, the best way to make your shot stand out is by finding a way to give your subject of interest the most visual attention. A way to do this is to select a simple background that has nothing that would distract from the center of attention.

-Rule Of Thirds:

Divide the frame into thirds and that way you can decide where to place the subject and place them in the best possible position.


Frame the center of interest in such a way that they, again, are the point of most visual attention. Whether this means by using the area around them, or placed objects, whatever directs the attention of the viewer.

-Film composition. (n.d.). Retrieved March 6, 2015, from

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